It is best fit for pouring liquefied gas bottle, inversing bottle and adding gas for motorcar.
互联网There are all - container ships, cargo ships, liquefied - gas tankers, ice breakers and multi - purpose freighters.
有集装箱船 、 船 、 化气 运输船 、 冰船和 多用途 货船.
互联网Besides, the circular has not provided factory price adjustment of liquefied gas.
同时, 通知未对液化气出厂价格做出调整.
互联网Cryogenic pressure vessels are extensively used in storage and transportation of liquefied gas.
互联网The most common type of liquefied gas container uses a standard cylinder valve.
互联网LNG plant using liquefied gas as energy, environmental protection has a high cleaning ability.
LNG电厂使用液化天然气为能源, 具有较高的清洁环保能力.
互联网The reprocessing can result in several valued chemicals, such as, aerosol, vehicle liquefied gas and fuel.
经再加工可生产高附加值的烃类产品, 如气雾剂 、 发泡剂 、 车用液化气和车用液体燃料等.
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